Parenthood is about letting go—giving your kids roots and wings and allowing them to Fly off into The World. Annette Lareau is a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania and author of Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life. Her ideas are so interesting that Malcolm Gladwell discussed them in his book Outliers. Annette...Read More
Age Strongly By Pushing Past Fear, Embracing Discomfort and Leaving Your Comfort Zone Margie Warrell is an Australian motivational speaker who emboldens people to lead braver lives. She is also the author of four books: Find Your Courage, Stop Playing it Safe, Brave, and Make Your Mark. And she has interviewed fascinating characters including British...Read More
Develop Close Relationships by Sharing Vulnerabilities and Emotions Margaret Clark is a psychologist at Yale University and one of the world’s leading experts on personal relationships. Margaret and her husband Fred have lots of relationships—especially with students. They are in charge of 400 Yale undergraduates as heads of the Trumbull Residential College. Did you like this...Read More
People Often Banish Loneliness by Sharing Fears with Acquaintances or Relative Strangers Rather than with Close Friends or Family Mario Luis Small is a sociology professor at Harvard University. He is also an expert on personal networks. In his book Someone to Talk to: How Networks Matter in Practice. Mario reveals how people who need to...Read More
When She Lost her Husband After Her Kids Left Home, Mary Ann Frank Launched Her One-Woman Play: ‘Spinning.’ Mary Ann Frank, a clinical psychologist in New Haven, had much more than the empty nest to cope with after her last child went to college. She also lost her husband of 28 years to a brain...Read More
Seeking Eudaimonia: Striving and Contributing to Something Beyond Yourself With Emily Esfahani Smith, a writer, editor, speaker and author of The Power of Meaning: Finding Fulfillment in a World Obsessed with Happiness, an international bestseller that draws on psychology, philosophy and literature to explore why we are the way we are and how we can...Read More
When Your Last Kid Leaves, it’s a Major Transition and a Time to Pro-Actively Reinvent Yourself and Let Go of Your Young Adult Fledglings. With JW Walker, an actor who produced The Incredibles movies, and his actress wife Pamela Gaye Walker, who performed together in the two-person gig The Empty Nesters play. When their two daughters left home, the...Read More
Baby Boomers Are Finding a Renaissance in Their Marriage Relationships When the Kids Leave Home: As We Move into Later Life, We Become Better at Understanding Emotions of Others, at Compassion and at Marriage. Robert W. Levenson is a Berkeley psychology professor and researcher who has been conducting an ongoing study of baby boomers and...Read More
David and Claudia Arp, founders of Marriage Alive International, have run seminars and marriage education programs for tens of thousands of couples in the United States and internationally for more than three and a half decades. They’ve also been married for 56 years. Together, they have written more than 40 books on relationships that...Read More
Being Available as a Parent Helps Young Adults Succeed in an Era When 30 is the New 20 and They Take Longer to Graduate from College, Get Married and Launch a Career. Jeffery Jensen Arnett, author of Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties, is a research professor of psychology...Read More